Interesting times. 

Nick Robinson has just tweeted a plug to his Mail on Sunday piece, From robots stealing jobs, to mob rule online – and even what it means to be a man or woman, 2018 will be a year of instability and uncertainty. And our so-called leaders have never been more impotent. 

Can you guess the response he's got from the outrage chamber on Twitter? 

Well, it can be summed up in just one phrase: "Oh. My. God. The Daily Mail!!!" 

Here's a flavour:

  • You are using #BBC account to promote Daily Mail. Inappropriate use of Public funds. Also trust in #BBC erodes with your actions. 
  • What on earth are you doing writing for the Mail?
  • Don't work for the Mail.
  • Shocking misjudgement to write for this vile rag.
  • Too much hatred, anger and intolerance - a large part of which has been fueled by the"Mails" - what on earth are you doing writing for that appalling group - very disappointing. 
  • Excellent article: just a shame it was in the Mail
  • I cannot believe you write for that hate rag...thought you were better than that.
  • I used to respect you. But the Daily Heil? Shame on you.

OMG,  the Daily Mail!!!


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