Credit Self-Portrait of the Artist in Her Studio , about 1680 (detail) Maria Schalcken (Dutch, 1645/50–before 1700) Oil on panel * Gift of Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo, in support of the Center for Netherlandish Art * Photograph © Museum of Fine Arts, Boston In the 17th century, global commerce fueled the economy of the Netherlands and Flanders and sparked an artistic boom. Merchants sailed from Amsterdam, Antwerp and other ports across seas and oceans, joining trade networks that stretched from Asia to the Americas and Africa. This unprecedented movement of goods, ideas and people, both free and enslaved, gave rise to what some have called the first age of globalization. On November 20, 2021, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA), opens a suite of seven newly renovated galleries that explore the rich visual culture of the Dutch Republic and Flanders during this time, bringing together nearly 100 paintings by the great...