BBC guidelines? What are those things of which you speak?
You know that thing where BBC journalists aren't supposed to betray BBC impartiality by expressing points of views on matters of political controversy on Twitter and that other thing where lots of them are happily doing just that, well, here's a collection of Newsnight policy editor Lewis Goodall's tweet on one such matter - the composition and existence of the House of Lords. I think it's safe to say that he doesn't even attempt to hide what he thinks - and his behaviour hasn't changed since he's joined the BBC, despite BBC guidelines : Tweeted after joining the BBC : Jul 31,2020: 12 places in the legislature for life for former MPs whose services were either dispensed with by the electorate or who decided they didn’t wish to win a place in the legislature by election a further time. And so the House of Lords continues to swell and swell. Jul 31,2020: Latest honours list announced. Place in the legislature for life for the PM’s brother and ...