The BBC profiles George Soros
The BBC has a new profile today of the famous George Soros - the man who (Putin-style?) is interfering in the British Brexit debate by pouring some of his billions into a new 'second referendum' anti-Brexit campaign group dedicating to overturning the referendum result and stopping Brexit. Let's look at how the BBC frames its profile of him by quoting the profile's first four paragraphs. And, were this an old-fashioned English exam paper question, the question here might be phrased: Do you detect any bias on the reporter's part here? If so, in what direction and how is that bias communicated? (3 marks) OK, your time!: Hungarian-American businessman George Soros is one of the world's most renowned, and philanthropic, financial investors. Earning his fortune through shrewd financial speculation, he has spent billions of his own money funding human rights projects and liberal democratic ventures around the world. In recent year...